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Funding for Out of Class Activities and Reunion Events

The First-Year Odyssey Seminar program will reimburse you up to $300 for hosting one or more out-of-class activities for your seminar students during the semester or hosting a reunion event for former students.

Please take advantage of this funding to enhance your students' learning experience.

While the out-of-class funding can be used for a wide variety of events, such as attending a performance, hosting a dinner, or going for coffee, it cannot be used for tickets to athletic events or overnight field trips. Attendance at out-of-class activities is not required so you may want to talk with your students about some options and get their suggestions. Contact the FYO office ( if you want to find out if an activity you are planning is eligible for funding.

You may also want to take advantage of the separate Student/Faculty Enrichment Fund sponsored by Student Affairs, which encourages faculty to host voluntary, out-of-class social gatherings with their students.

Submitting a Request for Funding

To request funding for out-of-class activities and/or reunion activities, complete the Out-Of-Class Activity Request form and email it to

The FYO Team will review the request and, if approved, will send an email with instructions on how to submit a expense report to complete the reimbursement process.

Why should I host an out-of-class activity?

Hosting out-of-class activities for your students speaks directly to program Goal 2: “Give first-year students an opportunity for meaningful dialogue with a faculty member to encourage positive, sustained student-faculty interactions.” These kinds of interactions are critical for student success. They are also valuable in helping you understand who your students are, what they expect from their UGA experience, and what they aspire to be, all of which improves teaching. It is also a great time to talk with students about your discipline and the majors within your program.